Dedicated Servers

What is Dedicated Server?

HostnExtra offers high performance and reliable dedicated server. It refers to a physical hardware that is exclusively used by one user. A dedicated server offers exclusive control and resources to meet specific requirements, compared to shared hosting, where several users share same server resources.

Applications and/or services, data storage, and backup services can all be hosted on a dedicated server. Internally, a dedicated server may also be used to host and provide specialised services, such as setting up dedicated file or network servers.

Basically, it is physical server where all the resources reserved for you. The benefits of that is you will have better performance and secured data because you will use all the resource of the server as well as there will be no one else can access your server.

Choosing Right Dedicated Server

You need to be careful while choosing dedicated server. All the factors are depending upon the uses of the dedicated server. For instance, a stand-alone blog would use less resource than a eCommerce store. It is highly depend on your website/application traffic levels, data storage, and high resolution images. If the traffic is high on your application, you need more RAM, cores, and bandwidth. If you have the data storage is high, you need large amount of hard disk. Here are the following points you can consider before choosing right dedicated server.

  • Which processor do you need? If you have custom application of processing image like ML/AI, you need powerful dual processors. If you have eCommerce or basic application, you can go with single processor.
  • Memory caculation RAM loads file faster. So, if your applicate requires files to transfer or load faster you need more RAM. Basically, high resolution images or complex calculation needs RAM. In general, it is recommended to choose above 16GB RAM for any type of project.
  • Bandwidth caculation It is simple, if you have huge traffic, you need high amount of bandwidth. It refers to the amount of traffic or users will visit your application and the file size of your page. If you have one million users visit to your page, you need 50TB to 100TB bandwidth to handle that much amount of traffic but it also depends on the file size.
  • Operating system You need to choose the operating system between Linux and Windows as per the website or application requirements. If you want to host ASP.NET application, you need Windows based server.
  • How much storage do you need? You need to choose 128GB SSD or 1TB HDD for storage. If you want to host a single website which has less that 50GB data, you can choose between 128GB and 256GB SSD or if you want store huge amount to data, go with HDD because you can use high volume of storage with less pricing.

HostnExtra Dedicated Servers

We provide high performance dedicated servers. HostnExtra deals enterprise quality server, network and data center. So, as considering the needs of the market we deals uses quality servers from Dell & HP having 8-32 cores of Intel and AMD processors. All our server has 16-64GB DDR3 and DDR4 ECC RAM, Raid-10 hard drives, multi-gigabit network backbone and with quality power supply backup to keep you alive all the time. We will help you to choose the dedicated server for you. We are here to process your order.

Why HostnExtra?

We offer dedicated server from multiple locations. Our robust network of servers is stationed in premium data centers around the world. We are highly selective when it comes to our network partners, and we have a very rigorous selection process to ensure that all data centers comply with our own very high standards. Our dedicated serves has standard DDoS protection.

Get the latest genuine Intel Xeon processors in rackmount servers to optimize performance!

We have qualified support team, who are passionate about giving you premium support.

You are free to choose CentOS, Ubuntu or Windows OS for your server.

Our superfast fiber network gives low-latency massive capacity bandwidth connectivity.

Datacenter Location

Location is a crucial part of choosing server. In latency, location plays important part. You need to choose your nearest DC location. So that you can get low latency or choose the location where you want to target your customers. We provide servers from 5 locations.

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